Saturday, October 25, 2008

My first post!

Well I finally went ahead and actually got a blog together to document me being boring...IN A DIFFERENT COUNTRY! WHOAAAAAAA!! I'm hoping to update it a decent amount but generally with me the best laid plans are laid to waste, or rather are just severely procrastinated upon. I swear I was going to get around to laying them to waste, honest!

I've been here for two weeks so far and have done a couple things I wanted to write about/post pictures from but I still need some time to gather my thoughts and basically see how many details I wanted to mention that I've already forgotten. After this (admittedly meaningless) post I'll put up a recounting of a place I went to that I've actually gotten around to summarizing in words, it's not the first thing I did here so for a little while this blog is going to be out of chronological order. Hopefully I'll catch up with the present soon enough though and then it's wagons ho from there into the shiny new future! Thanks for checking this out and I hope more often than not that checking this blog it isn't a waste of your time (or at least a major one).